
F# Lambda Signature

I'm reading Programming F# by Chris Smith right now trying to figure out F# when i come across Lambadas. Here is a lambda from one of the examples

let generatePowerOfFunc ba开发者_运维百科se = (fun exponent -> base ** exponent);;

I get that it takes in something and returns a function, but what i don't get is the Signature of this function which is val generatePowerOfFunc : float -> float -> float

How does it have three floats instead of two? And when there's this method

let powerOfTwo = generatePowerOfFunc 2.0;;

It only has 2 floats val powerOfTwo : (float -> float)

Maybe Im not getting the whole type signature deal. Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks

In addition to kongo2002:

The last item in the -> chain is the return type, not another argument. The first accepts two floats and returns a float, and the second accepts one float and returns one.

The idea of doing it like that, and not something like (float, float) : float, is that you can use a concept called "currying". generatePowerOfFunc is of type float -> float -> float, which is equivalent to float -> (float -> float), so we can give it a single float and get back a function of type float -> float (and we can give it another float, and get back a float).

This means that when you call generatePowerOfFunc 2. 4., you apply twice. Once you apply 2., and once you apply 4..

The function generatePowerOfFunc takes two arguments of type float and returns a float value:

val generatePowerOfFunc : float -> float -> float
//                        ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
//                        arguments
//                                          ^^^^^
//                                          return value

The function powerOfTwo is like a partial function application that just takes one float argument (the exponent) and returns a float.





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