
SqLite3 NFS mount issue with locking - can I use something like CIFS nobrl?

I'm having a locking problem where an SQLITE3 databse is permanently locked when created on an NFS file system. I have read that an option called nobrl can help this issue when the file system in question is CIFS. (its an option to the mount command).

From: http://linux.die.net/man/8/mount.cifs


Do not send byte range lock requests to the server. This is necessary for certain applications that break with cifs style mandato开发者_如何学编程ry byte range locks (and most cifs servers do not yet support requesting advisory byte range locks).

Is there any way to stop byte-range-lock requests in NFS if they occur, or am I running in the wrong direction by even thinking about this? I'm happy to change the mount command as was done for the CIFS solution.

I recommend to open you sqlite db by software with nolock parameter enabled, golang exg.:

sql.Open("sqlite3", "file:/media/R/Databases//your.db?nolock=1")

while /media/R is a mounted windows nfs-network-drive. Be carefull because you have to lock your db interactions by software otherwise you could corrupt your db, when accessing it simultaneously.

You can read more about sqlite parameters here: https://www.sqlite.org/c3ref/open.html





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