
How to create memory DC with 24 bits per pixel?

I need it to work with RGB24 data using GDI functions (specifically StretchBlt() which is pretty fast) and I can't use CreateCompatibleDC() since it can create memory DC only with color depth of other DC. Usually it's used with screen DC (by transmitting NULL pointer to function) and usually screen has color depth of value 32. In addition I can't rely on it, 'coz if screen settings are changed my application probably won't work.

So I need some way to create memory DC with specific certain color depth. So far I've found only one way with using CreateDC() function but it requires many device specific parameters and seems somewhat unreliable for me. Moreover there are too many fields to be filled with appropriate values to call CreateDC().

Is there some easier way to create specific memor开发者_开发知识库y DC and not rely on some devices? Or even if to create memory DC with 24 bpp?

P.S. I need it for some fast graphics. I've tried manual adding alpha channel to bitmap for using it with compatible to screen 32bpp memory DC and it worked out, but was too slow. And as I said above, I can't rely on screen settings which can be changed.

Bits-per-pixel does not really depend on a DC, but on the bitmap selected into it. Create a 24bpp bitmap with CreateDIBSection then select it into a memory DC.





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