SROLLBARINFO.rcScrollbar is referred to dimesion of scroll bar itself or scroll thumb
cbSize DWORD
rcScrollBar RECT
dxyLineButton DWORD
xyThumbTop DWORD
xyThumbBottom DWORD
reserved DWORD
rgstate DWORD 6 DUP
When GetScrollBarInfo() return this structure, rcScrollBar is the dimension of scroll bar or scroll thumb?
Another structure from GetScrollInfo:
typedef struct tagSCROLLINFO {
UINT cbSize;
UINT fMask;
int nMin;
int nMax;
UINT nPage;
int nPos;
int nTrackPos;
To detect whether the scroll thumb at the bottom, why this formula works:
IsAtBottom = (si.nMax - si.nPos) < (sbi.rcScrollBar.bottom -
What is the relationship between nMax, nPos and scrollbar rect?
Thanks in advance.
It's the coordinates (as a RECT, so top, left, right, bottom) of the scrollbar itself (see msdn). In order to get the dimensions you would need to perform the subtraction (code snippet is in C++ but you could translate to C#):
RECT coords = info.rcScollBar;
LONG width = coords.right - coords.left;
LONG height = coords.bottom -;
You will also want to be sure you are working in the correct coordinate system (screen or client). I was trying to find what coordinate system you get back from GetScrollBarInfo
but haven't found it yet. My guess would be it is in client coordinates, but I cannot confirm this.
It's the dimensions of the scroll bar rather than the thumb.