
Signing mixed code assembly

I have a mixed assambly written in C++ managed and unmanaged. To sign this assembly I use delayed signing with the following Post-build event:

sn -R $(TargetPath) $(ProjectDir)Fischer.snk

This works without any problems on my own PC (VS2010 english, Windows XP 32Bit).

If I transfer this project on another PC (VS2010 german, Win7 32Bit), this build step failes with an error message.

Fehler   1          error MSB3073: Der Befehl "sn -R C:\Daten\APRGX\DotNet\VisualData\Master3DControlClasses\Project\Debug\Fischer.APRGX.MathAlg.Native.dll c:\Daten\APRGX\DotNet\MathAlg\Native\Fischer.snk :VCEnd" wurde mit dem Code 1 beendet.         C:\Program Files\MSBuild\Microsoft.Cpp\v4.0\Microsoft.CppCommon.targets            113       6          Fischer.APRGX.MathAlg.Native

What can be the reason?

Edit: Starting the tool in command prompt it says:

"C:\D开发者_运维知识库aten\APRGX\DotNet\VisualData\Master3DControlClasses\Project\Debug\Fischer.APRGX.MathAlg.Native.dll" stellt keine Assembly mit einem starken Namen dar.

It says that the dll doesn't have a strong name. I don't understand that, because the same project builds without problems on my first machine.

I found the solution: The problem was that on my original PC I'm using VS2010 and on the second PC I'm using VS2010 SP1.

VS2010 without SP1 stores in project file:


VS2010 with SP1 stores:


So VS2010 with SP1 igonores the /DELAYSIGN option that was set without SP1. And so sn.exe couldn't sign the assembly.

Installing SP1 on my original PC and setting the delay sign option again solved the problem.





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