
Load Facebook friends information using Android

In my application I am integrating with Facebook and I do:

Log in Facebook and get all information of friends and display it in a List View. It will take a time to do this if the user have a number of friends.

So, is there any way to get information of friend in fixed number sequentially. Suppose I want to get the in开发者_如何学Pythonformation for the first 10 friends and display it in a list view and further the next 10.

My list view should be updated in a background task and should working smoothly.

I think you need to use some already made API or JAR file for Facebook integration.

I just have found one FBRocket and the documentation file for it. You can see that it has two functions. One is List getFriendUIDs() and the second is List getFriends(String[] uids).

And you can get a list of friends for as many UIDs you wish at a time. And from that the Friend object can get information about a friend and use it in your application.





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