
need help converting label to string to output in another label box for summary: C# [closed]

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strFirstName = txtFirstName.Text;
strLastName = txtLastName.Text;

lblSummary = "FirstName:" + strFirstName + Environment.NewLine +
   "Last Name:" + strLastName + Environment.NewLine +
   "Gross Income:" + decGrossIncome.ToString("c") + Environment.NewLine +
   "Taxes Due:" + decTaxesDue.ToString("c") + Environment.NewLine +
   "Total Payments:" + decTotalPayments.ToString("c") + Environment.NewLine +
   "Total Amount Due:" + decTotalAmountDue.ToString("c");

lblSummary.Text = strSummary;

*note*the following contains the error

"Total Amount Due:" + decTotalAmountDue.ToString("c");

The error I get is:

Error 1 Cannot implicitly convert type 'string' to 'System.Windows开发者_运维技巧.Forms.Label' E:\CIS 162 AD\CS03\CS03\CS03\Form1.cs 79 37 CS03

You're trying to assign a string value straight to a Label variable. I suspect you meant this:

string strSummary = "FirstName:" + strFirstName + Environment.NewLine +
    "Last Name:" + strLastName + Environment.NewLine +
    "Gross Income:" + decGrossIncome.ToString("c") + Environment.NewLine +
    "Taxes Due:" + decTaxesDue.ToString("c") + Environment.NewLine +
    "Total Payments:" + decTotalPayments.ToString("c") + Environment.NewLine +
    "Total Amount Due:" + decTotalAmountDue.ToString("c");

lblSummary.Text = strSummary;

I would personally advise using string.Format, and ditching the pseudo-Hungarian naming by the way.

string summary = string.Format("First Name: {1}{0}" + 
                               "Last Name: {2}{0}" +
                               "Gross Income: {3:c}{0}" +
                               "Taxes Due: {4:c}{0}" +
                               "Total Payments: {5:c}{0}" +
                               "Total Amount Due: {6:c}",
                               Environment.NewLine, firstName, lastName,
                               grossIncome, taxesDue, totalPayments,

// I'm not so hot on naming controls, so I'm not saying this is great - but I
// prefer it not to be control-type-specific; what's important is that it's a
// control we're using to output the summary.
summaryOutput.Text = summary;




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