
iOS App crashes on phone, works flawlessly in iPhone simulator

What is the best way to debug that? It just "crashes" on the phone, no message, nothing. Simulator is doing just fine. Happens on only one of the UIViewControll开发者_StackOverflow中文版er's, not sure why...

I suggest you to add NSZombieEnabled and set it to YES in your enviornment, you can set this in Project->Edit active executable->(go to Agruments tab) and add to Variables to be set in enviornment, so you can see(if you are lucky) where is the problem. Remember to remove it before the upload of your app on the store.

You could also download this app from the store.

Attach the debugger when running on the device, see if it is produced that case. Otherwise, check the device logs in the organizer. Logs are left on the device when the app crashes. They can be symbolicated to find out this information.

Have you gone out of your way to completely clean out prior installations of your app when installing the new version? Inconsistencies between remnants of the old version installed on the real device and the new install can lead to this situation.





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