
How do you refactor two classes with the same, duplicated events?

Both of these classes contain another private class that raises events. These two classes then re-raise these events to clients.

Unfortunately, each of the two classes has this exact same code:

public class FirstClass
    public delegate void FooEventHandler(string foo);
    public delegate void BarEventHandler(string bar);
    public delegate void BazEventHandler(string baz);

    public event FooEventHandler Foo;
    public event BarEventHandler Bar;
    public event BazEventHandler Baz;

    private PrivateObject privateObject;

    public FirstClass()
        privateObject.Foo += FirstClass_Foo;
        privateObject.Bar += FirstClass_Bar;
        privateObject.Baz += FirstClass_Baz;

    private void FirstClass_Foo(string foo)
        if (Foo != null)

    private void FirstClass_Bar(string bar)
        if (Bar != null)

    private void FirstClass_Baz(string baz)
        if (Baz != null)

As you can see, I have to re-raise events from a private object. It is redundant. I tried using inheritance and placing this duplicate code in a base class but I keep getting errors like:

The event 'BaseClass.Foo' can only appear on the left hand side of += or -= (except when used from within the type)

Does anyo开发者_运维知识库ne know how to get rid of this duplicate code?

what about exposing the events of the private object as properties of your wrapper? As in,

public class ExternalClass
    private InternalClass _internalObject = new InternalClass();

    public event InternalClass.someDelegate SomeEvent
            _internalObject.SomeEvent += value;
            _internalObject.SomeEvent -= value;

public class InternalClass
    public delegate void someDelegate(string input);
    public event someDelegate SomeEvent;

If you are familiar with c# Properties you probably already know the get and set keywords. The add/remove keywords are basically the same thing, only they are fired when you attempt to add or remove a value to your property.

So, when you command to (un)register your delegate to ExternalClass.SomeEvent, you are actually (un)registering to the InternalClass.SomeEvent event.

If you are not familiar with c# Properties, http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/x9fsa0sw(v=vs.80).aspx would help you.

I think this will work for you. The public interface allows PrivateObject to remain internal. The only other trick is that RegisterIFooEvents must be called in the constructor.

public interface IFooEvents
    event BaseClass.FooEventHandler Foo;
    event BaseClass.BarEventHandler Bar;
    event BaseClass.BazEventHandler Baz;

internal class PrivateObject : IFooEvents
    public event BaseClass.FooEventHandler Foo;
    public event BaseClass.BarEventHandler Bar;
    public event BaseClass.BazEventHandler Baz;

    public void ChangeFoo(string foo)
        if (Foo != null)

public abstract class BaseClass : IFooEvents
    public delegate void BarEventHandler(string bar);
    public delegate void BazEventHandler(string baz);
    public delegate void FooEventHandler(string foo);

    private IFooEvents _fooEvents;

    public event FooEventHandler Foo
        add { _fooEvents.Foo += value; }
        remove { _fooEvents.Foo -= value; }

    public event BarEventHandler Bar
        add { _fooEvents.Bar += value; }
        remove { _fooEvents.Bar -= value; }

    public event BazEventHandler Baz
        add { _fooEvents.Baz += value; }
        remove { _fooEvents.Baz -= value; }

    protected void RegisterIFooEvents(IFooEvents fooEvents)
        _fooEvents = fooEvents;

public class FirstClass : BaseClass
    private readonly PrivateObject _privateObject;

    public FirstClass()
        _privateObject = new PrivateObject();

    public void ChangeFoo(string foo)

Test run in console app:

class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
        var class1 = new FirstClass();
        class1.Foo += EventRaised;


    static void EventRaised(string arg)




验证码 换一张
取 消

