JSON Sub Level Extraction - How to? Objective-C
I'm using SBJSON (and am new to JSON) and can easily extract httprequest's response data with 开发者_运维问答it at its top most level. The problem is that I am quite clueless on accessing elements in a sub level.
For instance:
Level 1:
Key: id
Key: car_list
car_list (Level 2)
Key: car_id
Key: car_name
Key: car_size
So like I said, I can access top level objects by using:
NSDictionary *responseDict = [responseString JSONValue];
NSString *id = [responseDict objectForKey:@"id"];
But don't know how to access the elements within the "car_list".
A simple way, if you have a dictionary of dictionaries, is to use valueForKeyPath:
For example:
NSString *carName = [responseDict valueForKeyPath:@"car_list.car_name"];
All you need to do is join up your keys with periods. If any of those paths returns an array or set, then you'll receive a collection. You can additionally use set/array key-value coding paths to compute things on collections, such as @avg and @count.