
How to use Zend Helper in Lithium

i'm trying to migrate my cakephp apps to lithium, and already use Doctrine, and Twig as plugin, but now i'm also want to integrate Zend libraries into apps, and i have to integrate the Zend helper libraries.

I added the Zend library and ZendX on bootstrap, and i already can acessed the libraries in controller. But my problem is how to call helper like ZendX_JQuer开发者_开发技巧y_View_Helper_AjaxLink in view. So in view i can call like this :

<?php echo $this->ajaxLink("Show me something",
                array('update' => '#content'));?>

it's possible to integrate those without touch anything in Zend Helper class?

Using Zend components in other frameworks based projects is generally very simple, except when it comes to components related to Zend's MVC or bootstrapping stack.

I would recommend that you take inspiration from the Zend's view helpers you're interested in and code your own Lithium view helpers. Here is a simple tutorial about writing Lithium view helpers, it could perhaps help you.





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