
PHP variable as part of a jQuery function doesn't work, but plain text does

I have the following jQuery code in my PHP file (edited Jan 19 2010 @ 10:40 MST):

   $count = 0;
   foreach($attachments as $attachment) :
      echo '<script type="text/javascript">
               $(\'#a_'.$count.'\').click(function() {

               // if "no" is clicked
  开发者_开发知识库             $(\'#d_'.$count.' .no\').click(function() {

               // if "yes" is clicked
               $(\'#d_'.$count.' .yes\').click(function() {

                  // update database table -- this is why I need the script inside the for loop!
                  var jsonURL = \'http://path/to/update_db_script.php\';
                  $.getJSON(jsonURL, {\'post_id\' : '.$attachment->ID.'}, function(data) {
                     alert(\'Thank you. Your approval was received.\');

      echo '<li>';
         if($attachment->post_excerpt == 'approved') {
            // Check the proof's status to see if it reads "approved"
            echo '<span>Approved</span>';
         } else { ?>
            // If not yet approved, show options
            <a class="approve" id="a_<?php echo $count; ?>" href="#">Click to Approve</a>
            <div class="confirm-approval" id="d_<?php echo $count; ?>">
               <p>Please confirm that you would like to approve this proof:</p>
               <a class="yes" href="#">Yes, I approve</a>
               <a class="no" href="#">No, not yet</a>
         } ?>
   <?php $count++;
endforeach; ?>

The page in question is available here. The "click to approve" links do not work (that's my problem).

When I view source, the PHP variables appear to have echoed properly inside the jQuery:

<script type="text/javascript">
   $('#a_0').click(function() {
   ... etc ...

This looks correct, but nothing happens when I click any of the links. However, when I replace the PHP echo statements with plain numbers (0, 1, etc.) the click functions work as expected.

You may be asking: why on earth do you have this inside a for loop? The reason is that I need to retrieve the attachment->ID variable and pass it to an external PHP script. When someone clicks "approve" and confirms, the external script takes the attachment->ID and updates a database value to read "approved".

Why won't the click function fire when PHP is in place? Is there some kind of greater force at work here (e.g., hosting limitation), or am I missing a fundamental piece of how PHP and JavaScript interact?

Since you didn't post your HTML its a little hard to troubleshoot.

First, I am not sure why one is working and the other is not since the code it is outputting looks correct. Either way, I still would make some changes. Move your a_0,a_1, etc and d_0,d_1, etc into the id attribute instead of a class:

<div><a href="#" id="a_0" class="approve">Click Me</a></div>
<div class="confirm_approval" id="d_0">Show Me</div>
<div><a href="#" id="a_1" class="approve">Click Me</a></div>
<div class="confirm_approval" id="d_1">Show Me</div>

Now, instead of outputting your code in a loop in PHP, place this jQuery code once on your page:

      var id = this.id.replace('a_',''); // Get the id for this link
      $('#d_' + id + '.confirm-approval').show(200);

This code finds any a element with the approve class that has an id that starts with a_. When this is clicked, it grabs the number off the id a_0 = 0 and uses that id to find the confirm-approval element and show it.

Since the javascript is run on the client and has no way of knowing whether the script was generated using PHP or not, I think that particular part is a wild goose chase...

When I replace the PHP echo statements with plain numbers (0, 1, etc.) the click function works as expected.

Do this again and compare the actual output using view-source in a browser. I'll bet you find that there is a difference between the working and failing scripts, other than one of them being generated by PHP.

It seems that the problem is in jQuery selectors. Instead of dynamically binding click() events on multiple objects with an output of PHP code, use just one class selector and bind to objects with this class. And you can specify an id attribute to make them unique.

Something strange too is to have the script tag and the


in the loop. I don't know if this causes any problems, but it's sure not very efficient, one time is enough.





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