
javascript - replacing spaces with a string

I'm new to Javascript and need a bit of help with program on a college course to replace all the spaces in a string with the string "spaces".

I've used the following code but I just can't get it to work:

<script type ="text/javascript">
// Program to replace any spaces in a string of text with the word "spaces".
var str = "Visit Micro soft!";

var result = "";

For (var index = 0; index < str.length ; index = index + 1)
    if (str.charAt(index)= " ")
        result = result + "space";

        result = result + 开发者_开发知识库(str.charAt(index));



document.write(" The answer is " + result );


isn't capitalized:



str.charAt(index)= " "

needs to be:

str.charAt(index) == " "

JavaScript Comparison Operators

for loops

As others have mentioned there are a few obvious errors in your code:

  1. The control flow keyword for must be all lower-case.
  2. The assignment operator = is different than the comparison operators == and ===.

If you are allowed to use library functions then this problem looks like a good fit for the JavaScript String.replace(regex,str) function.

Another option would be to skip the for cycle altogether and use a regular expression:

"Visit Micro soft!".replace(/(\s)/g, '');

Try this:

str.replace(/(\s)/g, "spaces")

Or take a look at this previous answer to a similar question: Fastest method to replace all instances of a character in a string

Hope this help

You should use the string replace method. Inconvenienty, there is no replaceAll, but you can replace all anyways using a loop.

Example of replace:

var word = "Hello"
word = word.replace('e', 'r')
alert(word) //word = "Hrllo"

The second tool that will be useful to you is indexOf, which tells you where a string occurs in a string. It returns -1 if the string does not appear.


var sentence = "StackOverflow is helpful"
alert(sentence.indexOf(' ')) //alerts 13
alert(sentence.indexOf('z')) //alerts -1




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取 消

