Should I turn this into a module?
In my Rails 3.1 app. Ive got a few controller's calling this block of code:
twitter_entertainment_users = Rails.cache.fetch('twitter_entertainment_users', :expires_in => 24.hours) do
Timeout.timeout(10.seconds) do
puts "#{Twitter.rate_limit_status.remaining_hits.to_s} Twitter API request(s) remaining this hour"
rescue Twitter::NotFound
Instead of re-typing this block of code everywhere. Should I have this in a module instead? i.e. to keep things DRY?
If so, where should this go? I read somewhere about putting module code in app/concerns/foobar.rb
Any other approach? Looking for suggestions / articles.
it's always better not to repeat your code. That way when you change something, you only have to do it in one place. (And believe me - you don't want to do it five times over and then just hope you didn't miss anything.)
Put it somewhere where all the controllers can access it. Consider making a module (or a folder) for all the helper methods you might need and keep them in one place. That way you always know where to look.