
Outlook 2010 not launching when I debug my Outlook addin?

I'm totally confused as to how to debug an Outlo开发者_如何学Cok 2010 addin I'm trying to develop. I created a new Extensibility | Shared Add-in project and just checked Outlook, and it's created a new project for me with a stub implementation of the Extensibility.IDTExtensibility2 interface in my Connect.cs file. However, when I press F5 to debug, although the project compiles OK, a new instance of Visual Studio opens up instead of Microsoft Outlook! How am I supposed to debug my addin?

Since Outlook is the host process that will load your code you have to make sure that Outlook is the target application for debugging (go to project properties and select the main Outlook EXE under the Start external program option in the Debug settings). Then of course you have to also make sure that your plugin is actually being loaded by Outlook. With that in place you should be able to debug your plug-in with VS.





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