
Rendering with glDrawRangeElements() not working properly

This is a followup to my previous question. All of my questions were answered in my last thread but this is a new error that I am having. When rendering in intermediate mode, everything looks great.

In fact: http://i.imgur.com/OFV6i.png

Now, I am rendering with the glDrawRangeElements() and look what happens:


Has anyone seen something like this before? It looks as if some of the indices are simply in the middle, which makes no sense at all.

This is the function I am using to render my level.

void WLD::renderIntermediate(GLuint* textures, long curRegion, CFrustum cfrustum)
    // Iterate through all of the regions in the PVS
    for(int i = 0; i < regions[curRegion].visibility.size(); i++)
        // Grab a visible region
        int vis = regions[curRegion].visibility[i];

        // Make sure it points to a mesh
        if(regions[vis].meshptr == NULL)

        // Make sure it is in our PVS
        if(!cfrustum.BoxInFrustum(regions[vis].meshptr->minX, regions[vis].meshptr->minY, regions[vis].meshptr->minZ, regions[vis].meshptr->maxX, regions[vis].meshptr->maxY, regions[vis].meshptr->maxZ))

        // Optional: Only render the region we are in (for testing)
        //if(vis != curRegion)
        //  continue;

        // Now find the ID of the zone mesh in the array
        int id = regions[vis].meshptr->id;

        // Figure out how many calls we will have to do to render it (different textures)
        int calls = zmeshes[id].numPolyTex;

        int count = 0;

        // Render each call in batches
        for(int j = 0; j < calls; j++)

            // Bind the correct texture
            glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, textures[zmeshes[id].polyTexs[j].texIndex]);

            // Set up rendering states

            errorLog.writeSuccess("Drawing debug: ID: %i - Min: %i - Max: %i - Polys in this call %i - Count: %i - Location: %i", id, zmeshes[id].minmax[j].min, zmeshes[id].minmax[j].max, zmeshes[id].polyTexs开发者_StackOverflow[j].polyCount, zmeshes[id].polyTexs[j].polyCount * 3, count);

            glVertexPointer(3, GL_FLOAT, sizeof(Vertex), &zmeshes[id].vertices[0].x);
            glTexCoordPointer(2, GL_FLOAT, sizeof(Vertex), &zmeshes[id].vertices[0].u);

            // Draw
            glDrawRangeElements(GL_TRIANGLES, zmeshes[id].minmax[j].min, zmeshes[id].minmax[j].max, zmeshes[id].polyTexs[j].polyCount * 3, GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT, zmeshes[id].indices + count);

            // End of rendering - disable states

            // Add the number of indices rendered
            count += zmeshes[id].polyTexs[j].polyCount * 3;


I've done a ton of debug information indicating that my min/max values are set up correctly. At this point, I think it might be an error with the indices so I am going to go ahead an look over/rewrite that function.

Managed to get it to work. Very thankful that someone on another forum labeled his question accurately where a third vertex was being drawn at the origin.


Seems I needed to change my indices datatype from int to short. Works like a charm and I am getting a %1500 increase in FPS.





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