
Crystal report SetDatasource issue

I am working on a Classic ASP page with VB6 code. We are in a process of converting the crystal report and iis server for migration. We are not able to generate the report. When i debugged till the point i call the "Database.SetDataSource CDOSet, 3,1" it works fine. When i comment that single line i'm able to get the report without any data. We are also using the .ttx file for database connection(Field Definitions Only). Kindly suggest me were could have been the mistake. What all things i need to check for the migrating?

*crystal r开发者_Go百科eport 9 to Crystal report 2008, iis 5 to iis 6

First thing I'd suggest you look at is the Schema for the dataset and make sure it matches exactly with what the report is expecting.

Is it possible that while migrating some of the datatypes have changed and thats whats causing your problem now? if so it might be a simple fix to change the datatype in the report to match the new dataset

I don't have any experience with your setup, but my first guess would be a permissions issue. I would try looking at the event viewer on the server for more information, then the IIS logs.





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