
Deleted the apk key by mistake

I have put up an app in the market..but I have to update the app..but my mistake开发者_如何转开发 i deleted the old apk and have made changes to the code and when I try uploading the app it says I must have the same key..what should I do now?

There is absolutely no way to update your application. Sorry.

You should publish you new update as a new Application with a new key and a new package. Also update the description of your old app and tell your user about the new app.

If you have a webview loaded from external web server, try to inform on that page, too.

Basically, that is all you can do.

Lessons learned: Backup your key the next time!

You will have to upload a new application to the market. There is nothing else you can do.

Like they said at the last Google IO - Even if you know Andy Rubin personally, even he can't do anything.





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