
Eclipse Servers view not showing added Tomcat runtime environment

I am running Eclipse Helios SR2 (the EE version) on Ubuntu 11.04开发者_高级运维. I installed tomcat6.0.29 manually and can start/ stop it ok. I can add the Tomcat 6 Server Runtime environment successfully to eclipse - I've never had the "Cannot create the server" problem however the environment never show up in my Servers view.

I've tried many avenues but no success (same issue with installing the aptitude tomcat6 and creating links etc) Any suggestions on how to progress this ?

Other info:I have exactly the same issue with a brand new install of Eclipse Indigo (the EE version)

I have java-6-sun installed:

update-java-alternatives -l java-1.5.0-sun 53 /usr/lib/jvm/java-1.5.0-sun java-6-sun 63 /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun

I had this problem a week ago (on Ubuntu 11.04). I failed to find why it doesn't show the servers in the view - they appear in the Servers project. But I fixed it by switching to a fresh workspace.

(Of course, assuming you have right-clicked in the server view and chose "New -> server")

Well I was inspecting what might be the issue. I was able to add a runtime but cannot add a new server.

Changing permissions of Tomcat configuration files solved the issue for me (without creating a new workspace)

chmod 664 /usr/share/tomcat6/conf/*

It seems that if you add runtime that cannot read configuration, you are not able add such server under "Servers" window...





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