
SPARQL query to find all sub classes and a super class of a given class

I need to write a SPARQL query to find a superclass/subclasses of a given class.

For example, given RDFS vocabulary file, I want to find the superclass of 'AcousticWave' (which is 'Wave').

Similarly if user enters 'Wave', I want to get all sub classes of 'Wave' (which are 'AcousticWave', 开发者_运维问答'GravityWave', 'InternalWave' and Tide').

SPARQL query to find all sub classes and a super class of a given class

How would I write such SPARQL query?

The predicate used in rdfs for state sub/super class relationships is rdfs:subClassOf. With that in mind you just need to write triple patterns in your SPARQL query that bind that predicate and the subject or object that you want to match --- AcousticWave in your case.

I hope that the following queries are self-explanatory.

for super classes ...

PREFIX rdfs: <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#>
PREFIX ns: <http://www.domain.com/your/namespace/>

SELECT ?superClass WHERE { ns:AcousticWave rdfs:subClassOf ?superClass . }

And for sub classes ...

SELECT ?subClass WHERE { ?subClass rdfs:subClassOf ns:Wave . }

If you want to retrieve the labels for every subclass of ns:Wave you would do something like ...

SELECT ?subClass ?label WHERE { 
        ?subClass rdfs:subClassOf ns:Wave . 
        ?subClass rdfs:label ?label . 

If you need the transitive closure of sub/super classes then you have two options:

  1. Iterate recursively over these queries until you have collected the closure.
  2. Pass your RDF data through a RDF/RDFS reasoner to forward chain all entailments and assert these in your RDF database.




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