JNA: Read Data back from memory to Structure
I want to estimate deviceinformations of a printer with JNA.
interface GDI32Ext extends GDI32
public static class DEVICEMODE extends Structure
public static class ByReference extends DEVICEMODE
implements Structure.ByReference
public ByReference()
public ByReference( Pointer memory )
super( memory );
public DEVICEMODE( int size )
super( new Memory( size ) );
public DEVICEMODE( Pointer memory )
useMemory( memory);
public char[] dmDeviceName = new char[32];
public short dmSpecVersion;
public short dmDriverVersion;
public short dmSize;
public short dmDriverExtra;
public int dmFields;
public short dmOrientation = 0;
public short dmPaperSize = 0;
public short dmPaperLength = 0;
public short dmPaperWidth = 0;
public short dmScale = 0;
public short dmCopies = 0;
public short dmDefaultScore = 0;
public short dmPrintQuality = 0;
public short dmColor = 0;
public short dmDuplex = 0;
public short dmYResolution = 0;
public short dmTTOption = 0;
public short dmCollate = 0;
public char[] dmFormName = new char[32];
public WORD dmLogPixels;
public int dmBitsPerPel;
public int dmPelsWidth;
public int dmPelsHeight;
public int dmNup;
public int dmDisplayFrequency;
public int dmICMMethod;
public int dmICMIntent;
public int dmMediaType;
public int dmDitherType;
public int dmReserved1;
public int dmReserved2;
public int dmPanningWidth;
public int dmPanningHeight;
开发者_如何学运维 public String toString()
return "DEVICEMODE: dmDeviceName <" +this.dmDeviceName
+"> dmSpecVersion <" +this.dmSpecVersion
+"> dmPanningWidth <" +this.dmPanningWidth
+"> dmPanningHeight <" +this.dmPanningHeight
+">\nBytes (" +this.size() +")";
GDI32Ext.DEVICEMODE devMode = new GDI32Ext.DEVICEMODE( (int) dwNeeded );
long dwResult = WinspoolExt.INSTANCE.DocumentProperties( null,
handle, new WString( printerName ), devMode.getPointer(), null,
debugToFile( "DEVICEMODE.txt", devMode.getPointer().getByteArray( 0, (int) dwNeeded ) );
System.out.println( devMode );
The problem is that the dumped bytes in the File has data, but if i access the devMode-Object, i can see that i dont get valid data.
DEVICEMODE: dmDeviceName <null> dmSpecVersion <0> dmDriverVersion <0> dmSize <0> dmFields <0> dmOrientation <0> dmPaperSize <0> dmPaperLength <0> dmPaperWidth <0> dmScale <0> dmCopies <0> dmDefaultScore <0> dmPrintQuality <0> dmColor <0> dmDuplex <0> dmColor <0> dmYResolution <0> dmTTOption <0> dmCollate <0> dmFormName <null> dmLogPixels <0> dmBitsPerPel <0> dmPelsWidth <0> dmPelsHeight <0> dmNup<0> dmDisplayFrequency <0> dmICMMethod <0> dmICMIntent <0> dmMediaType <0> dmDitherType <0> dmReserved1 <0> dmReserved2 <0> dmPanningWidth <0> dmPanningHeight <0>
How works the coversion from bytedata into a Structure-Object?
UPDATE: After adding
i get data back in my Java-Structure Object.
But now i have the Problem, that changes where not "active". After writing with "DM_IN_BUFFER" and reading again the values had not changed!