
Silverlight and MVC: post object to controller method

I have an MVC project in which a controller action returns some JSON data (i.e. via /Home/GetData URL). This action also takes a custom object as a param.

This signat开发者_开发技巧ure for the action is JsonResult GetData (MyCustomObject o)

I also have a client Silverlight project in which I'm constructing MyCustomObject and trying to call this URL (/Home/GetData/) via HttpWebRequest. However, I'm having trouble figuring out how to post in my object in this call. Do I need to serialize it to Json in order to pass it in?

Thanks so much!

MVC can accept and bind the submitted data to your MyCustomObject object, regardless of whether it is submitted as JSON, XML, a query string, a standard form POST, etc.

MVC does not require the object to be submitted in a particular fashion. That is up to you as the designer to determine what works best under the particular circumstances, given all of your requirements.

When submitted, MVC will use the ValueProvider suitable to the form of the data submitted, and the DefaultModelBinder will attempt to use the values in the ValueProvider to bind to your model.

Thanks for your help! Since the web app handles this with a getJSON call, I ended posting the object as a query string param i.e. I'm making a web request to http://../controller/action/view.aspx?custObject.property1=<value>&custObject.property2=<value> etc





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