
From where can I install Report Application Server?

I need RAS installed in my machine in order to create dynamic reports with the RAS SDK in .NET. I don't know how to install it. In which version of Crystal Report Server is it availab开发者_开发技巧le?

MSDN suggests RAS is available in Crystal Reports 10 and up.

And from another MSDN page on RAS:

Using the RAS API without a RAS server

In Crystal Reports, you can access the advanced report creation and modification functionality of the ReportClientDocument Object Model (RAS) from the CR .NET SDK. The deployment package in this scenario requires only the .NET assemblies, meaning you are using the RAS API in-process.

However, if you use the RAS API in-process, you lose the performance and stability benefits of a server-oriented, out-process system. To gain these benefits, use the RAS API in conjunction with a RAS Server in a Crystal Reports Server or BusinessObjects Enterprise environment.

For additional information and sample code, see the ReportClientDocument property of the CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine.ReportDocument class in the API reference.





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