
How to use HTML5 ondrag event to change the element's position?

For example :


(p.s: you should have开发者_如何转开发 jquery and the css file of the page.:-))

Like this page,you can use the jquery extension to change the element's postion.

But html5 and ie offers us the drags api.Like ondrag ondragend and so on.

When I use the new events I can't get the mouse's position on the page,so that I can't achieve the effect like the jquery extension.

ok,how can i use the drags api to achieve that effect?

Thank you.

Highly recommend reading 'The HTML5 drag and drop disaster'.

<!DOCTYPE html>
          html {
              height: 100%;

          body {
              margin: 0;
              padding: 0;
              height: 100%;

          section {
              height: 100%;

          div {
              width: 40px;
              height: 40px;
              position: absolute;
              background-color: #000;
      <section ondragenter="return drag_enter( event )" ondrop="return drag_drop( event )" ondragover="return drag_over( event )">
          <div id="item" draggable="true" ondragstart="return drag_start( event )"></div>
          function drag_enter( action )
             action.preventDefault( );

             return true;

          function drag_over( action )
              action.preventDefault( );

          function drag_start( action )
               action.dataTransfer.effectAllowed = 'move';
               action.dataTransfer.setData( 'id', action.target.getAttribute( 'id' ) );

               return true;

          function drag_drop( action )
              var id = action.dataTransfer.getData( 'id' );

              var element = document.getElementById( id );
              element.style.top = action.clientY + 'px';
              element.style.left = action.clientX + 'px';

              if ( action.stopPropagation )
                  action.stopPropagation( );

              return false;

Further Reading

HTML Drag and Drop API

Native HTML5 Drag and Drop

Native Drag and Drop





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