Slicing an Array
I am having trouble finding a matlab function to slice an element out of an array.
For example:
A = [1, 2, 3, 4]
I want to take开发者_Python百科 out on element of this array, say the element 3:
B = [1, 2, 4]
Is there a matlab function for this or would I have to code the algorithm to construct a new array with all the elements of A except 3?
Do this:
index_of_element_to_remove = 3;
A(index_of_element_to_remove) = [];
now A will be [1 2 4]
If you want to remove more elements at the same time you can do:
index_of_element_to_remove = [1 3];
A(index_of_element_to_remove) = [];
now A will be [2 4]
By value, which will remove all elements equal to 3
A(find(A==3)) = []
Or by index
A(3) = []