
Programming Library for Matrices over GF [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.

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I am looking for a Library in Java or C for doing matrix operations (mainly RANK) over certain Finite Field (GF).

I used Jama, but it has no Finite Field Functionality.

any help appreciated.


The best thing I would recommend to you is to use NTL library.

You will be probably interested in classes:

  • mat_GF2: matrices over GF(2); includes basic matrix arithmetic operations, including determinant calculation, matrix inversion, solving nonsingular systems of linear equations, and Gaussian elimination

  • mat_GF2E: matrices over GF2E; includes basic matrix arithmetic operations, including determinant calculation, matrix inversion, solving nonsingular systems of linear equations, and Gaussian elimination

It also supports rank operation you mentioned.

For more modules/classes please refer to the documentation.


currently I am using BouncyCastle library that has some basic support for GF2, GF2^n matrices. Personally I am using source code of BouncyCastle library extending it on my own for desired features. A few useful methods are private/protected.

Please refer to JavaDoc for more information.





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