
Eclipse CDT not recognizing some GL functions, but compiles fine

I'm having a problem using Eclipse CDT, where it does not recognize some OpenGL functions. I have the header included from


Some functions/enums are recognized by the indexer, some are not and provide no auto-completion. However if I command+click any of them (red or regular) I am taken to the proper file (GL.h) and the correct location of the function

I've checked, and those enums are indeed defined in that header.

Eclipse CDT not recognizing some GL functions, but compiles fine

Again compiles fine, but no code-completion provided, and areas are marked red as if wrong.

I get the same error quite often as well. Sometimes cutting the faulty line & pasting it back helps, but if that doesn't solve the issue a restart of Eclipse worked for me in all cases until now.

And the last resort solution to all Eclipse issue that cannot be resolved otherwise: Recreate the workspace and project, and copy only the source files into the new workspace. This has fixed most weird issues of Eclipse for many people, including myself.





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