Bind Session field to System.Data.Linq.Binary
It's a picture, an array of bytes which is in the Session. I can't seem to bind it to the automatically created model for my table, inside my DataContext. I'm trying to do so using a FormView and an ObjectDataSource, with a specified type.
Some example code:
<ObjectDataSource [...] DataObjectTypeName="MyTypeName" >
<asp:SessionParameter Name="MyClassPropName" SessionField="MySessionFieldName" />
<asp:SessionParameter Name="MyClassPropName" SessionField="MySessionFieldName" />
I've tried specifying some types to the TypeName property directy on the parameter and it didn't work as well.
The problem is that my property specified to be bound to a Session field is always null, with both operations (Insert and Update). And I'm sure my Session field has some value, which in this case, is an array of bytes. Do I have to name the Session Field to the name of my class' Property?
Is this a problem with the Linq.Binary data type or with binding a Session Field to a specified DataObjectTypeName?
Since I could not bind my business class to the Session Field with Binary
nor with byte[]
, I just changed the property type from Binary
to byte[]
and did so manually on the Updating and Inserting event of the ObjectDataSource, using the same handler method, like so:
MyBusinessClass foo = (MyBusinessClass)e.InputParameters["BusinessClass"];
foo.Photo = (byte[])Session["MyImage"];