how to apply background iframe to an image?
I am using wordpress blog on my site:
I want to rotate background image on the current theme:Techified
The background image i want to rotate using openx is:
The code on the stylesheet.css for this is:
#content_area {
border-top: 1px solid #FFFFFF;
background: url(;
overflow: hidden;
padding: 0px 0px 10px 0px;
position: relative;
Please HELP!
You can specify only images and colours as the page background. To have a HTML page as the background of another page (which is a bad and resource-consuming idea in 99.99999999% of cases!!) you would have to integrate an absolutely positioned IFRAME to that page.
You are pointing to a web page - the image on the page is at
So to set it as a background, use:
background: url(;
As Jimmy Shelter says, hot-linking an image off someone else's site is bad practice - what if tomorrow they change the image to something completely inappropriate?