
Dynamic class generation in CoffeeScript

What is the best way to dynamically create classes in CoffeeScript, in order to later instantiate objects of them?

I have found ways to do it, but I am not sure if there is maybe an even better (or simpler) way to achieve it. Please let me know your thoughts on my code.

Let's start with simple non-dynamic classes:

class Animal
  constructor: (@name) ->

  speak: ->
    alert "#{@name} says #{@sound}"

class Cat extends Animal
  constructor: (@name) ->
    @sound = "meow!"

garfield = new Cat "garfield"

As expected, garfield says meow!

But now we want to dynamically generate classes for more animals, which are defined as follows:

animalDefinitions = [
    kind:  'Mouse'
    sound: 'eek!'
    kind:  'Lion'
    sound: 'roar!'

The first naive attempt fails:

for animal in animalDefinitions
  animal.class = class extends Animal
    constructor: (@name) ->
      @sound = animal.sound

mutant = new animalDefinitions[0].class "mutant"

The animal we just created, mutant, should be a mouse. However, it says roar! This is because animal.sound only gets evaluated when we instantiate the class. Luckily, from JavaScript we know a proven way to solve this: a closure:

for animal in animalDefinitions
  makeClass = (sound) ->
    class extends Animal
      constructor: (@name) ->
        @sound = sound
  animal.class = makeClass(animal.sound)

mickey = new animalDefinitions[0].class "mickey"

simba = new animalDefinitions[1].class "simba"

Now it works as desired, mickey mouse sa开发者_如何学Pythonys eek! and simba the lion says roar! But it looks somewhat complicated already. I am wondering if there is an easier way to achieve this result, maybe by accessing the prototype directly. Or am I completely on the wrong track?

Since sound is a default value for an Animal instance, you can set it as a property on class definition:

class Cat extends Animal
    sound: 'meow!'

garfield = new Cat "garfield"
garfield.speak() # "garfield says meow!"


for animal in animalDefinitions
    animal.class = class extends Animal
        sound: animal.sound

mutant = new animalDefinitions[0].class "mutant"
mutant.speak() # "mutant says eek!"

If you want sound to be overridable, you can do

class Animal
    constructor: (@name, sound) ->
        @sound = sound if sound? 
    speak: ->
        console.log "#{@name} says #{@sound}"

For your immediate problem (which is that the closure in the loop does not capture the current value, but the latest one), there is the do construct:

for animal in animalDefinitions
  do (animal) ->
    animal.class = class extends Animal
      constructor: (@name) ->
        @sound = animal.sound

I somehow expected CoffeeScript to take care of that automatically, since this is a common error in JavaScript, but at least with do there is a concise way to write it.





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