How to jQuery select all links on a page that are NOT contained within a certain div
Suppose I have product 开发者_JAVA技巧links on a page, some products are within a recommendation div:
<a href="some_url?pid=abc"><img src ... ></a>
<a href="some_url?pid=abc">ABC Product Name...</a>
<a href="some_url?pid=def">
.... more product links
<div class="recommendations">
<a href="some_url?pid=uvw"> ...
<a href="some_url?pid=xyz"> ...
I need to construct unique list of pids for recommended and non-recommended urls like this:
recommended_pids = ["uvw","xyz"];
non_recommened_pids = ["abc","def"];
I know I can git the list of all pid on a page like this:
$('a[href*="pid="]').each(function() {
//get just the pid part
var link = this.href;
var pid = link.split('pid=')[1].split('&')[0];
And I can get the list of recommended pids on a page using selector like this:
$('div.recommended a[href*="pid="]')
Sort and uniq each array then subtract all elements then do array subtraction to get the list of non-recommended pids.
But is there a way to use other jQuery filters to get the list of pids NOT contained within the recommended div without resorting to writing an array subtract function?
Well, there's always .filter()
var $pidLinks = $('a[href*="pid="]');
// recommended links
$pidLinks.filter('div.recommendations > a');
// non-recommended links
$pidLinks.filter(':not(div.recommendations > a)');
Somewhat gratuitous jsFiddle
For what it's worth, @Jayendra's solution is simpler and probably better, unless you need to get both lists - in which case I believe that using .filter()
should have better performance if you cache the original selection of all links.
Use not
$("a:not(.recommendations a)").each(function(index){
Inside the each function you could do this:
if( $(this).parents(".recommendations").length ) {
} else {