How to implement Network Triangulation?
I am developing an application in android 2.2 to identify location of user by Network:
1) First:
location= (GsmCellLocation)tm.getCellLocation();
cellId= location.getCid();
lac= location.getLac();
2) Second
wonder "" to get latitude and longitude and range.
3) Third
I repeat this step three times to obtain information from three different cells
How can I implement the triangulation? It is开发者_JAVA百科 possible to perform a mapping between latitude/longitude and xy co-ordinates?
I think I've solved it... many thanks.
I have converted coordinates into radians.
I have changed the latitude/longitude (in radians) to ECEF xyz.
I've done some math to calculate the intersection of three circles.
I've re-converted the coordinates of this intersection, from ECEF to latitude & longitude and subsequently to degrees.
You do linear interpolation with the vertices of the triangle you got.