Ninject and dynamic WithConstructor/WithMeta and RhinoMocks
In my project I have an IoC container that gets initialized the usual way with a ServiceModule. When I write unit tests, I want to be able to bind to either a StrictMock, DynamicMock, PartialMock or Stub. In the past I had a FakeServiceModule that would bind everything to StrictMocks, but this is very restrictive, and I wanted to expand this to allow creating a mock type of my choosing.
To achieve this I created the following.
public class NinjectMocking
public Type TypeToMock { get; set; }
public MockType MockTypeToUse { get; set; }
public IBindingWithOrOnSyntax<Type> BindingWithOrOnSyntax { get; set; }
public enum MockType
The idea is that I would initialise the fake service module like so:
foreach (var mockType in _mocks)
object ninjaMock;
switch (mockType.MockTypeToUse)
case MockType.Strict:
ninjaMock = _mockRepository.StrictMock(mockType.TypeToMock);
case MockType.Dynamic:
ninjaMock = _mockRepository.DynamicMock(mockType.TypeToMock);
case MockType.Partial:
ninjaMock = _mockRepository.PartialMock(mockType.TypeToMock);
case MockType.Stub:
ninjaMock = _mockRepository.Stub(mockType.TypeToMock);
ninjaMock = _mockRepository.StrictMock(mockType.TypeToMock);
if (mockType.BindingWithOrOnSyntax == typeof(ConstructorArgument))
Bind(mockType.TypeToMock).ToMethod(m => ninjaMock).w
Bind(mockType.TypeToMock).ToMethod(m => ninjaMock);
Having been initliazed with a list of mocks...
NinjectMocking ninjectMocking = new NinjectMocking();
ninjectMocking.TypeToMock = typeToAdd;
ninjectMocking.MockTypeToUse = MockType.Dynamic;
This all works perfectly. However, and here comes the question, some of our bindings need either .WithConstructorArgument or .WithMetaData as in
Bind<ISomeRepository>().ToMethod(m => someRepository)
.WithConstructorArgument("context", ctx => new TestDataContext());
and maybe some others in the future. That is why I have the BindingWithOrOnSyntax property in the NinjectMocking class. So my new initializer may look something like this:
NinjectMocking ninjectMocking = new NinjectMocking();
ninjectMocking.TypeToMock = typeToAdd;
ninjectMocking.MockTypeToUse = MockType.Dynamic;
ninjectMocking.BindingWithOrOnSyntax.WithConstructorArgument("context", constructorArgument);
The problem is I don't know how to make it use that in the binding. What I would like to do is something like
Bind(mockType.TypeToMock).ToMethod(m => ninjaMock).[WhatGoesHere]
I don't really know how to do it with the [WhatGoesHere] bit, or how else to define the Bind so that it uses whatever I pass in, in the BindingWithOrOnSyntax property. My last desperate attempt was to try force it via something like
if (mockType.BindingWithOrOnSyntax == typeof(ConstructorArgument))
Bind(mockType.TypeToMock).ToMethod(m => ninjaMock)
But that obviously doesn't work.
Any pointers in the right direction, or even if there is a better way to achieve this, would be greatly appreciated.
Don't use an IOC container during unit testing. An IOC container is to be used at runtime to inject your dependencies into your components. During unit testing, you create your components with mocked/stubbed dependencies. If your components are resolving dependencies directly from the IOC container, you're not using the container properly.