
Image upload doesnt work in IE? But it's fine in other browsers

So I'm facing this issue, one I've never had before in over 4 years of development,

HTML code

<fieldset id="step_3" style="display:none;">
  <legend>3. Add Photos</legend>
      <label for="main_image">Main Image..</label>
      <input type="file" name="extra_img0" size="35"/>
      <label for="extra_img1">Extra Images</label>
      <input type="file" name="extra_img1" size="35"/>
      <label for="extra_img2"> </label>
      <input type="file" name="extra_img2" size="35" />
      <label for="extra_img3"> </label>
      <input type="file" name="extra_img3" size="35"/>
    <input type="submit" name="add" value="Add Listing"/>

And the PHP code...

$i = 0;开发者_开发知识库
    while($i < 4) {
        if(!empty($_FILES['extra_img'.$i]['name'])) {
            if($_FILES['extra_img'.$i]['type'] == "image/gif" OR $_FILES['extra_img'.$i]['type'] == "image/png" OR $_FILES['extra_img'.$i]['type'] == "image/jpeg") {
                $img = md5(microtime()).'.jpg';
                $image = New SimpleImage();
                if($image->getWidth() < $image->getHeight()) {
                } else {
                $db->query("INSERT INTO `images_to_listing` (`listing_id` ,`name`) VALUES ('{$listing_id}', '{$img}');");

Code works just fine in all browsers apart from IE? It doesn't even get inserted into MYSQl, any ideas?

See if this works:

// List of allowable file extensions
$allowedExtensions = array (

for ($i = 0; $i < 4; $i++) {
  // Loop 0-3
  if (!empty($_FILES["extra_img$i"]['name']) && in_array(strtolower(pathinfo($_FILES["extra_img$i"]['name'],PATHINFO_EXTENSION),$allowedExtensions))) {
    // If you get here, the image is set and has a file extension specified as allowable above
    $img = md5(microtime()).'.jpg';
    $image = New SimpleImage();
    if ($image->getWidth() < $image->getHeight()) {
    } else {
    $db->query("INSERT INTO `images_to_listing` (`listing_id` ,`name`) VALUES ('{$listing_id}', '{$img}');");          
  } else {
    // You may want to add error handling here

The key difference is that is uses the file's extension, rather than it's MIME type (which relies on the browser being sensible).





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