
Using the Dictionary method in C# [closed]

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I am currently using the Dictionary method in C# to index a text file successfully, although in this case I would like to index more than one keyword (#HostName). I have tried adding an additional IF statement to the method although it doesn't appear to work - by that I mean it seems to break the whole method.

 var dictionary = new Dictionary<string, string>();
 var lines = File.ReadLines("probe_settings.ini");
 var ee = lines.GetEnumerator();
 while (ee.MoveNext())
     if (ee.Current.StartsWith("#PortNo"))
         string test = ee.Current;
         if (ee.MoveNext())
             dictionary.Add(test, ee.Current);
             throw new Exception("File not in expected format.");

Is it possible to index another term in this method? How could it be done?

Below is the file it is reading:

HTTP Check




 while (ee.MoveNext())
     if (ee.Current.StartsWith("#MatchOne") || ee.Current.StartsWith("#MatchTwo"))
         string test = ee.Current;
         if (ee.MoveNext() && !dictionary.ContainsKey(test))
             dictionary.Add(test, ee.Current);
             throw new Exception("File not in expected format.");

or use for loop

for( int i =0 ; i < lines.length -1 ;i++)
         if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(lines[i]) && lines[i].StartsWith("#MatchOne") || lines[i].StartsWith("#MatchTwo"))
             string test = lines[i];
             if ( !dictionary.ContainsKey(test))
                 dictionary.Add(test, lines[i+1]);
                 throw new Exception("File not in expected format.");

Do you mean another test using else if besides if (ee.Current.StartsWith("#PortNo"))? I don't see why not. Post (some more) code.

You could use Linq and its ToDictionary() method instead - this would create a dictionary using any line that start with # as key, and the next line as value:

var lines = File.ReadAllLines("probe_settings.ini");
var dictionary = lines.Zip(lines.Skip(1), (a, b) => new { Key = a, Value = b })
                      .Where(l => l.Key.StartsWith("#"))
                      .ToDictionary(l => l.Key, l => l.Value);

There's some overhead involved since this will iterate over the file twice (because is using Zip()) but that shouldn't matter for a rather small configuration file.

You can use the dictionary then like this:

string someValue = dictionary["#CheckName2"]; //returns "HTTPS Check"




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