
copy full local Wordpress website from a computer to another

I have a wordpress website which is installed by Microsoft Webtrix on my computer A. I have installed Microsoft Webmatrix on my computer B so that I can continue my work on computer B so that I can continue work on computer B. I want to copy my full wordpress website (website content + database) from computer A to B.

I can not find a tutorial which teaches how to copy database from computer A to B. I am totally new to creati开发者_运维知识库ng web so please kindly help. Thanks

Your best long term solution is to learn how to export WordPress sites from local to local development environments as well as local to live host.

  1. Within your present set up simply copy all files from wp-content of the site and transfer them to your new set up.
  2. Add a plugin to your original site such as WP Database Backup. This will allow you to dump the .sql (database) and keep a copy as a backup.
  3. Over to the new set up (B computer). Create a new wordpress site.
  4. Copy and paste the wp-content folder into the new site.
  5. Now this is where you need to check with web matrix on your new set up. You'll need to make sure the wp-config.php file has the correct settings such as db name and password user etc.
  6. Finally upload the backup db .sql file via the db plugin mentioned in step 2.




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