
sql query to create a new table [closed]

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I have a table as follows: table 1

temp_id    node_name  variable_1 variable_2 variable_3
1          ab         a          b           y
2          sdd        a          a           a
3          u          a          s           s

and another table as follows: table 2

temp_id    node_name  variable_1 variable_2 variable_3
1          ab         as        sb           y
2          sdd        a          a           a
3          u          a          s           s

I want to fetch all the records from table 1 only where the combination variable_1, variable_2 and variable_3 of table 1 doesnot match with table 2. for example in table 1 first record has a,b,y (variable_1, variable_2 and variable_3) and it this does not exists in table2.

How can I do that in TSQL?

It is not clear whether there a requirement for an outer join. I assume that the columns are all NOT NULL qualified; the condition gets much more complex if any of the variable_X columns can hold nulls.

  FROM Table1 AS T1
  JOIN Table2 AS T2 ON T1.Temp_ID = T2.Temp_ID AND T1.Node_Name = T2.Node_Name
 WHERE T1.Variable_1 != T2.Variable_1
    OR T1.Variable_2 != T2.Variable_2
    OR T1.Variable_3 != T2.Variable_3;

If NULLS are allowed, then you have to write:

  FROM Table1 AS T1
  JOIN Table2 AS T2 ON T1.Temp_ID = T2.Temp_ID AND T1.Node_Name = T2.Node_Name
 WHERE (T1.Variable_1 != T2.Variable_1
        OR (T1.Variable_1 IS NULL AND T2.Variable_1 IS NOT NULL)
        OR (T2.Variable_1 IS NULL AND T1.Variable_1 IS NOT NULL)
    OR (T1.Variable_2 != T2.Variable_2
        OR (T1.Variable_2 IS NULL AND T2.Variable_2 IS NOT NULL)
        OR (T2.Variable_2 IS NULL AND T1.Variable_2 IS NOT NULL)
    OR (T1.Variable_3 != T2.Variable_3
        OR (T1.Variable_3 IS NULL AND T2.Variable_3 IS NOT NULL)
        OR (T2.Variable_3 IS NULL AND T1.Variable_3 IS NOT NULL)

Note that this is not the same as:

  FROM Table1 AS T1
  JOIN Table2 AS T2 ON T1.Temp_ID = T2.Temp_ID AND T1.Node_Name = T2.Node_Name
 WHERE NOT (T1.Variable_1 = T2.Variable_1
       AND  T1.Variable_2 = T2.Variable_2
       AND  T1.Variable_3 = T2.Variable_3);

select * from table1 t1, table2 t2 where
t1.temp_id = t2.temp_id and
( t1.var1 != t2.var1 OR t1.var2 != t2.var2 OR t1.var3 != t2.var3)

select * from table1 t1
left outer join table2 t2 on t1.temp_id = t2.temp_id 
where  t1.var1 <> t2.var1 OR t1.var2 <> t2.var2 OR t1.var3 <> t2.var3

It is unclear to me if you want to check the existence against all rows in table2

select T1.*
from table1 as T1
where not exists (select *
                  from table2 as T2
                  where T1.variable_1 = T2.variable_1 and
                        T1.variable_2 = T2.variable_2 and
                        T1.variable_3 = T2.variable_3


or you you only want to check against the rows where temp_id is a match.

select T1.*
from table1 as T1
  left outer join table2 as T2
    on T1.temp_id = T2.temp_id and
       T1.variable_1 = T2.variable_1 and
       T1.variable_2 = T2.variable_2 and
       T1.variable_3 = T2.variable_3
where T2.temp_id is null        

With your test data the result is the same: https://data.stackexchange.com/stackoverflow/qt/113272/

How about this:

select * from Table1 T1 LEFT OUTER JOIN Table2 T2
on T1.temp_id = T2.temp_id
where WHERE (T1.variable_1 <> T2.variable_1 AND
T1.variable_2 <> T2.variable_2 AND
T1.variable_3 <> T2.variable_3)




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