Creating a shell right click menu item to edit desktop.ini
I am trying to create a right click shell menu item to edit desktop.ini
. I have managed to get this far:
@="notepad "%L/desktop.ini"
use the cmd command to create an desktop.ini and append the following format to the desktop.ini file ,Then open it(desktop.ini) with notepad.exe
/* Format start */
/* Format end */
// ps: i just want to creat the folder InfoTip , ,when i hover the folder,it will so 2 me.
CMD.exe nor Windows Scripting Host has .ini support so implementing this without overwriting is a bit risky, you also need to set the correct attribute on the folder and this could be SYSTEM or READONLY depending on a registry key!
This example should work in the default windows configuration and tries its best to not overwrite a existing file:
@="cmd /C ((if not exist \"%L\\desktop.ini\" (>\"%L\\desktop.ini\" (echo.[.ShellClassInfo]&echo.InfoTip=&echo.ConfirmFileOp=0w)))&attrib +s \"%L\"&attrib +h +s \"%L\\desktop.ini\"&start notepad \"%L\\desktop.ini\")"
It is probably a better idea to write a WSH or powershell script...