How do I search for a value in an integer table using LIKE and <cfqueryparam>?
I have a query similar to this:
SELECT itemID FROM itemTable WHERE itemID LIKE '%123%'
itemTable is of type INT. This query works just fine by itself, as it would select '12345' and '0912398' and so on...
The problem occurs when I try to use
Let's say var searchValue = 123
开发者_运维技巧If I try: <cfqueryparam cfsqltype='cf_sql_integer' value="'%#searchValue#%'" >
If I try: <cfqueryparam cfsqltype='cf_sql_varchar' value="'%#searchValue#%'" >
I've tried using CAST in my SQL, and also using toString(searchValue) in various places, but I always end up with one of the error messages above. Is there any way to search and integer table using CFQUERYPARAM?
EDIT: Below is the actual code I am trying to use...
var searchValue=123;
searchFilterQuery(qry=qItemResults, field="itemID", value=searchValue,cfsqltype="cf_sql_varchar");
CFC Function:
<cffunction name="searchFilterQuery" access="public" returntype="query" hint="Filters a query by the given value" output="false">
<!--- ************************************************************* --->
<cfargument name="qry" type="query" required="true" hint="Query to filter">
<cfargument name="field" type="string" required="true" hint="Field to filter on">
<cfargument name="value" type="string" required="true" hint="Value to filter on">
<cfargument name="cfsqltype" type="string" required="false" default="cf_sql_varchar" hint="The cf sql type of the value.">
<!--- ************************************************************* --->
<cfset var qryNew = QueryNew("")>
<cfquery name="qryNew" dbtype="query">
FROM arguments.qry
WHERE #trim(arguments.field)# LIKE <cfqueryparam cfsqltype="#trim(arguments.cfsqltype)#" value="#trim(arguments.value)#">
<cfreturn qryNew>
You need to do this, I reckon:
remove the quotes as people have said
use a VARCHAR param, not an INTEGER, as the % symbols make the value you're passing not an INTEGER
CAST the integer column as a VARCHAR on the DB side of things. The DB could possibly do this automatically for you, but I reckon it's better to be explicit about these things.
SELECT itemID FROM itemTable WHERE CAST(itemId AS VARCHAR) LIKE <cfqueryparam cfsqltype='cf_sql_varchar' value="%#searchValue#%">
If you take your apostrophes off the one using varchar, that will work.