
Does Spring's PlatformTransactionManager require transactions to be committed in a specific order?

I am looking to retrofit our existing transaction API to use Spring’s PlatformTransactionManager, such that Spring will manage our transactions. I chained my DataSources as follows:

DataSourceTransactionManager - > LazyConnectionDataSourceProxy - > dbcp.PoolingDataSource - > OracleDataSource

In experimenting with the DataSourceTransactionManager , I have found that where PROPAGATION_REQUIRES_NEW is used, it seems that Spring’s transaction management requires that the transactions be committed/rolled back in LIFO fashion, i.e. you must commit/rollback the most recently created transactions first.


public void testSpringTxns() {

    // start a new txn
    TransactionStatus txnAStatus = dataSourceTxnManager.getTransaction(propagationRequiresNewDefinition); // specifies PROPAGATION_REQUIRES_NEW
    Connection connectionA = DataSourceUtils.getConnection(dataSourceTxnManager.getDataSource());     

    // start another new txn
    TransactionStatus txnBStatus = dataSourceTxnManager.getTransaction(propagationRequiresNewDefinition);
    Connection connectionB = DataSourceUtils.getConnection(dataSourceTxnManager.getDataSource());

    assertNotSame(connectionA, connectionB);
    try {

        //... do stuff using connectionA
        //... do other stuff using connectionB
    } finally {
        dataSourceTxnManager.commit(txnBStatus); // results in java.lang.Illeg开发者_如何学编程alStateException: Cannot deactivate transaction synchronization - not active

Sadly, this doesn’t fit at all well with our current transaction API which allows you to create transactions, represented by Java objects, and commit them in any order.

My question: Am I right in thinking that this LIFO behaviour is fundamental to Spring’s transaction management (even for completely separate transactions)? Or is there a way to tweak its behaviour such that the above test will pass?

I know the proper way would be to use annotations, AOP, etc. but at present our code is not Spring-managed, so it is not really an option for us.


yes,I have met the same problems below when using spring: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Cannot deactivate transaction synchronization - not active.

According above,Spring’s transaction management requires that the transactions be committed/rolled back in LIFO fashion(stack behavior).The problem disappear.


Yes, I found this same behavior in my own application. Only one transaction is "active" at a time, and when you commit/rollback the current transaction, the next active transaction is the next most recently started transaction (LIFO/stack behavior). I wasn't able to find any way to control this, it seems to be built into the Spring Framework.





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