
Print the return of a method

I know in php I can do something like this

echo "{$this->method}";

and I swear there was a way to do it in perl

Update: What I am trying to do is print a s开发者_开发知识库calar that the method returns. I was kind of hoping of doing within the string like in php, just because I'm lazy :P.

Are you just trying to evaluate an arbitrary expression inside a double quoted string? Then maybe you're thinking of

print "@{[$this->method]}";

There is also a trick to call the method in scalar context, but the syntax is a little less clean.

print "${\($this->method)}";

Well, if $this->method outputs a string or a number (like PHP, Perl can automatically convert numbers to strings when required), then you can do print $this->method . "\n";.

If $this->method outputs a data structure (eg an array reference or a hash reference), you can use Data::Dumper to look at the structure of the data. Basically, print Dumper($foo) is the Perl equivalent of PHP's var_dump($foo).

What are you trying to do, exactly?

If $this->method is returning a string, you can do this:

print $this->method . "\n";

without quotes. That will print your string. Sometimes, that can lead to a clumsy looking statement:

print "And we have " . $this->method . " and " . $that->method . " and " . $there->method . "\n";

In that case you can use a little programming trick of:

print "And we have @{[$this->method]} and @{[that->method]} and @{[$their->method]}\n";

Surrounding a function with @{[]} prints out the function's value. Someone explained this to me once, but I can't remember why it works.





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