
Is it possible to store SSL certificate in android webview

In the app I'm working on, I have to make an HTTPS post to a web server. I was getting certificate not trusted errors when i do it directly(without webview).

But when i use android webview to load the HTTPS URL i can do

public void onReceivedSslError (WebView view, SslErrorHandler handler, SslError error) {
handler.proceed() ;

to proceed with the connection when i get a SSL certificate not trusted error.

My doubt is

1)if i use the above method will Android Webview actually store the certificate in its keystore?

2)Also will the same Webview be able to use the开发者_如何学C certificate in its keystore to accept the further connections to the same HTTPS server?

3)Can we programatically put some certificate in the webview's keystore so that it accepts all connections to an HTTPS enabled server?

I am confused with lot of questions.

Please help.





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