SQL SERVER ODBC ERROR(Invalid object name) but when I add in SQL query mydb.dbo.mytable all works fine
I have an old asp.net 1 project (it works fine on old server, mytable exist in db. Now I am trying to upgrade it to asp.net 4
My connection string开发者_StackOverflow社区 is:
<add key="SqlConnection"
value="DRIVER={SQL Server};SERVER=bel\SQLEXPRESS;Trusted_connection=yes;DATABASE=mydb;option=3;"/>
I get error
ERROR [42S02] [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Invalid object name 'mytable'.
OdbcCommand dataCommand = new OdbcCommand("select * from mytable", dataConnection);
dataCommand.CommandTimeout = 900; OdbcDataReader dataReader = dataCommand.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior.CloseConnection);
When I wrote SQL as select * from mydb.dbo.mytable
all works fine
What I should change in db settings (security, schema, dbo) or in connection string?
My guess, seeing that you're using ODBC, is that your ODBC connection doesn't specify a default database, and so it's using master.
You can either:
- specify the database in your connection string using "Database=myDBname" or "InitialCatalog=myDBname"
- change the default database in your ODBC connection, as shown here in XP/Server 2003