
How to get the output of a shell function without forking a sub shell?

I have the following functions.

hello () {
        echo "Hello"
func () {
        echo "world"

If I don't want the output of the hello function to be printed but want to do something with it, I want to capture the output in some variable, Is the only possible way is to fork a subshell like below? Is it not an unnecessary creation of a new child process? Can 开发者_JAVA技巧this be optimized?

func () {
        local Var=$(hello)
        echo "${Var/e/E} world"

An ugly solution is to temporarily replace echo so that it sets a global variable, which you can access from your function:

func () {
  echo () {
  unset -f echo
  echo "Result is $result"

I agree it's nasty, but avoids the subshell.

How about using a file descriptor and a Bash here string?

hello () {
    exec 3<<<"Hello"

func () {
    local Var
    exec 3>&-
    hello && read Var <&3
    echo "${Var/e/E} world"
    exec 3>&-


You can make the caller pass in a variable name to hold the output value and then create a global variable with that name inside the function, like this:

myfunc() { declare -g $1="hello"; }

Then call it as:

myfunc mystring
echo "$mystring world" # gives "hello world"

So, your functions can be re-written as:

hello() {
    declare -g $1="Hello"

func() {
    hello Var
    echo "${Var/e/E} world"

The only limitation is that variables used for holding the output values can't be local.

Related post which talks about using namerefs:

  • How to return an array in bash without using globals?

Not a bash answer: At least one shell, ksh optimises command substitution $( ... ) to not spawn a subshell for builtin commands. This can be useful when your script tends to perform a lot of these.

Do you have the option of modifying the hello() function? If so, then give it an option to store the result in a variable:


hello() {
  local text="hello"

  if [ ${#1} -ne 0 ]; then
    eval "${1}='${text}'"
    echo "${text}"

func () {
  local var     # Scope extends to called functions.
  hello var
  echo "${var} world"

And a more compact version of hello():

hello() {
  local text="hello"
  [ ${#1} -ne 0 ]  && eval "${1}='${text}'" || echo "${text}"

This doesn't literally answer the question, but it is a viable alternate approach for some use cases...

This is sort of a spin off from @Andrew Vickers, in that you can lean on eval.

Rather than define a function, define what I'll call a "macro" (the C equivalent):

MACRO="local \$var=\"\$val world\""

    local var="result"; local val="hello"; eval $MACRO; 
    echo $result; 

  1. Redirect the stdout of the function to the FD of the write end of an "automatic" pipe. Then, after the (non-forking) call, ...
  2. Read the FD of the read end of the same pipe.
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# This code prints 'var=2, out=hello' meaning var was set and the stdout got captured
# See: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/7502981/how-to-get-the-output-of-a-shell-function-without-forking-a-sub-shell

  local -i var=1             # Set value
  local -i pipe_write=0 pipe_read=0  # Just defensive programming
  create_pipe                # Get 2 pipe automatic fd, see function below

  callee >&"$pipe_write"     # Run function, see below

  exec {pipe_write}>&-       # Close fd of the pipe writter end (to make cat returns)
  local out=$(cat <&"$pipe_read")  # Grab stdout of callee
  exec {pipe_read}>&-        # Just defensive programming
  echo "var=$var, out=$out"  # Show result

  var=2       # Set an outer scope value
  echo hello  # Print some output

  : 'From: https://superuser.com/questions/184307/bash-create-anonymous-fifo
    Return: pipe_write and pipe_read fd => to outer scope
  exec 2> /dev/null  # Avoid job control print like [1] 1030612
  tail -f /dev/null | tail -f /dev/null &
  exec 2>&1

  # Save the process ids
  local -i pid2=$!
  local -i pid1=$(jobs -p %+)

  # Hijack the pipe's file descriptors using procfs
  exec {pipe_write}>/proc/"$pid1"/fd/1
  # -- Read
  exec {pipe_read}</proc/"$pid2"/fd/0
  disown "$pid2"; kill "$pid1" "$pid2"


Note that it would be much shorter code using an automatic normal fd as follows:

exec {fd}<> <(:)

instead of using the create_pipe function as this code does (copying this answer). But then the reading FD line used here like:

local out=$(cat <&"$fd")

would block. And it would be necessary to try reading with a timeout like the following:

local out=''
while read -r -t 0.001 -u "${fd}" line; do

But I try to avoid arbitrary sleeps or timeouts if possible.\ Here the closing of the FD of write end of the pipe makes the read cat line returns at the end of content (magically from my poor knowledge).





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