
Google Analytics and measuring search terms to destination pages

Been using internal site search with Google Analytics and while I love the ability to see what my users are searching for, I am having a really hard time figuring out what search terms lead to which pages.

When I search on both the nextPagePath and searchKeyword dimensions while filtering on the search results page at the current path, the nextPagePath is always the search results page even when I know it shouldn't be (when tracking my own obscure searches). The same goes for using the searchDestinationPage dimension. I can't get any data that shows a jump from a search results开发者_Python百科 page to another page on the site.

Here's a cleaned up example of my api query.


When I use the standard Analytics UI and look at the Destination Pages list under Content->Site Search->Destination pages, I only have 25 or so, all of which are just the variations on the base search-result page URL.

Do I need additional tracking code on my search results pages? Custom variables? A different query through the API?

I can see the tracking requests going out from both the search results and the pages selected from the results.

I found a couple of questions in the Analytics forums that ask this same question, but none of them had anything resembling a working solution.

I would bet you are not using the proper dimensions in the API

See https://developers.google.com/analytics/devguides/reporting/core/dimsmets/internalsearch

ga:searchDestinationPage is probably what you wanted when using ga:nextPagePath





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