grid of MouseArea in Qt QML
I have made an Item in QT QML which contains a MouseArea element.
Here is the code,
import QtQuick 1.0
Rectangle {
id: base
width: 240
height: 320
x:0; y:0
color: "#323138"
/////////////////////// MAIN FOCUSSCOPE //////////////////////
FocusScope {
id: mainfocus
height: base.height; width: base.width
focus: true
/////////////////////// MAIN GRID ///////////////////////////
GridView {
id: maingrid
width: base.width-10; height: base.height-titlebar.height-10
x: 5; y: titlebar.height+5;
cellHeight: maingrid.height/3; cellWidth: maingrid.width/3-1
Component {
id: myicon
Rectangle {
id: wrapper
height: maingrid.cellHeight-10; width: maingrid.cellWidth-10
radius: 8; smooth: true
color: GridView.isCurrentItem ? "#c0d0c0" : "transparent"
focus: true
MouseArea {
id: clickable
anchors.fill: wrapper
hoverEnabled: true
//onClicked: func()
Image {
id: iconpic
source: "./ui6.svg"
anchors.centerIn: wrapper
Text {
id: iconname
color: wrapper.GridView.isCurrentItem ? "black" : "#c8dbc8" iconpic.bottom; anchors.horizontalCenter: iconpic.horizontalCenter
text: name
model: 4
delegate: myicon
focus: true
//////////////////////// TITLEBAR ///////////////////////
Rectangle {
id: titlebar
height: 25; width: base.width
color : "#356f47"
Text {
color: "#fdfdfd"
anchors.centerIn: titlebar
text: "title"
I want to make a grid of such Items so that it gives me a grid of custom made click-able Items that I created which I can use for different functions.
Using the GridView element, I was able to make such a grid which used number of my custom made Items as a template.
The problem is that when I click anyone of these Items it executes a single开发者_Go百科 function since there was only one MouseArea element in my Item. I am able to detect a click on an Item, but not able to uniquely determine which Item was clicked. How do I achieve this ?
Of course, I might be doing it wrong, so other suggestions are also welcome. Thanks
When the GridView item creates the instances they inherit the index variable. This identifies the unique item.
MouseArea {
id: clickable
anchors.fill: wrapper
hoverEnabled: true
onClicked: {
switch (index)
case 0:
//Function or method to call when clicked on first item
case 1:
//Function or method to call when clicked on second item
//Function or method to call when clicked on another item
I hope it helps you!