
Gedit in Windows creates multiple instances [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.

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I installed the latest version (2.30.1) of Gedit for Windows. And whenever I open files from explorer with gedit, it won't open as tabs in the current instance, instead it opens a new window for each file, like a notepad. I do not like this behavior. Is there any way to configure gedit to open files in the same window as tabs?

Judging from this askubuntu.org post, this is not only an issue on windows. Making the suggested changes and building gedit for windows might yield some result.

This may not be the best answer, but you can try Notepad++ instead of Gedit for Windows. It has basically the same features (and I actually find Notepad++ better - a friend of mine uses Wine with Notepad++ on Ubuntu). http://notepad-plus-plus.org/





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