How do I store static content of a web page in a javascript variable?
This is what I am trying to accomplish: Get the static content of an开发者_开发技巧 'external' url and check it for certain keywords for example, "User Guide" or "page not found".
I tried to use Ajax, dojo.xhr etc., but they don't support cross domain. In my case it is an external url. Also, I cannot use jQuery.
I also looked at but I couldn't find useful example to accomplish this.
A example would be really helpful. Please help.
Modern browsers restrict the use of cross-domain scripting. If you're the maintainer of the server, read Access-Control-Allow-Origin to get knowledge on how to enable cross-site scripting on your website.
EDIT: To check whether an external site is down or not, you could use this method. That external site is required to have an image file. Most sites have a file called favicon.ico
at their root directory.
Example, testing whether is online or not.
var test = new Image();
//If you're sure that the element is not a JavaScript file
//var test = document.createElement("script");
//If you're sure that the external website is reliable, you can use:
//var test = document.createElement("iframe");
function rmtmp(){if(tmp.parentNode)tmp.parentNode.removeChild(tmp);}
function online(){
//The website is likely to be up and running.
function offline(){
//The file is not a valid image file, or the website is down.
alert("Something bad happened.");
if (window.addEventListener){
test.addEventListener("load", online, true);
test.addEventListener("error", offline, true);
} else if(window.attachEvent){
test.attachEvent("onload", online);
test.attachEvent("onerror", offline);
} else {
test.onload = online;
test.onerror = offline;
test.src = ""+(new Date).getTime();
/* "+ (new Date).getTime()" is needed to ensure that every new attempt
doesn't get a cached version of the image */
if(/^iframe|script$/i.test(test.tagName)){ = "none";
This will only work with image resources. Read the comments to see how to use other sources.
Try this:
<script src="" type="text/javascript" djConfig="parseOnLoad:true"></script>
url: "",
//url: "",
load: function(response, ioArgs) {
//if no (http) error, it means the link works
alert("yes, the url works!")