
Strange requests which ends with -moz-zoom-in

Production server gets a lot (hundreds) of requests which ends with -moz-zoom-in. It just adds -moz-zoom-in to current url, e.g. http://www.wikipaintings.org/en/paintings-by-genre/allegorical-painting/-moz-zoom-in

I made a search through project开发者_开发知识库 and did not find any mentions of this keyword. As I understand from documentation this is related to firefox cursor type.

I wasn't able to see such requests with firebug.

Any ideas what in CSS or HTML could cause such effect?

You should have a look at the user agent string of the requests. I suspect that it is some browser that doesn't support -moz-zoom-in (meaning: not Firefox, so it is not surprising that you cannot see that request in Firebug). You probably have cursor: -moz-zoom-in somewhere in your CSS styles, probably through some third-party library like jQuery UI, and that browser "fixes" it for you and turns it into cursor: url("-moz-zoom-in"). So it actually tries to load the cursor from that URL instead of ignoring the invalid cursor.

It is a CSS cursor which indicates that an element/object in a webpage is being resized. It is part of Mozilla extensions for CSS (they begin with -moz). For more information read this.





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