
Don't want to tap twice to share message in Facebook using sharekit app?

I sharing message in Facebook by integrating sharekit in my iPh开发者_运维百科one application.I have written the method facebookButtonPressed which I am calling on tapping one button. First time when facebook screen is appearing its asking for authentication in Facebook . I have given userid and password of my Facebook existing account and tapped for login. Now the facebook authentication screen disappeared.Now again I tapped the button to call the methoed facebookButtonPressed,then I got the message sharing screen. I don't want to tap twice to get the message sharing screen.If any one has already solved this issue please help me.

    NSString* body = @"test body";
    SHKSharer *fb = [[SHKFacebook alloc] init];
    SHKItem *item = [[SHKItem alloc] init];
    item.shareType = SHKShareTypeText;
    item.text = [body length]>140?[body substringToIndex:139]:body;
    fb.item = item;
    if(![fb isAuthorized])
    [fb authorize];
    [fb tryToSend];

Try the below code, there will be action sheet to select how to share,you need to select Facebook.

NSString* body = @"test body";
SHKItem *item = [SHKItem text:body];
SHKActionSheet *actionSheet = [SHKActionSheet actionSheetForItem:item]; 
[actionSheet showFromToolbar:self.navigationController.toolbar];

Try to put the following:

item.shareType = SHKShareTypeText;
item.text = [body length]>140?[body substringToIndex:139]:body;
fb.item = item;

behind [fb tryToSend];

So that you first check whether fb is authorized and then share. Hope it helps.





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